You can choose whether to make your donation via cheque, bacs transfer or cash. Donations made this way will incur no fees, so you can be certain that the Charity will receive 100% of the funds!
If the funds have been collected via donations, and not in exchange for goods, Gift Aid can be added and will boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate – we just need your address to identify you as a current UK taxpayer. You can download our Gift Aid form here. If you are unsure whether you can claim Gift Aid on your donation, please email us at or call on 01482 622299 and we can happily advise.
When a donation is made by cheque or cash, please include a covering letter with details on the hospital, ward or department you would like to support, your return address and whether you would like us to claim Gift Aid on the donation.
Please make cheques payable to “WISHH Charity”, writing “Ward/Department XX” on the reverse. Post the donation for the attention of Lisa Whitton at the address below:
The WISHH Charity
First Floor, Administration Block
Castle Hill Hospital
Castle Road
HU16 5JQ
To make a bacs transfer, please use the following details.
The Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals Health Charity
National Westminster Bank
Sort Code: 56-00-06
Account number: 29240360
Reference: Please indicate the hospital, appeal, ward or department you would like your donation to go to, for example “Ward 32 CHH” or “Stoke Unit”.
If you would like the donation to go to the WISHH Charity, to enhance equipment and facilities across Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital as a whole, please use the reference W20008XX. Please replace the XX with your initials. If you would like to include Gift Aid (please find the form attached above), please send us an email letting us know you have donated and attach the form. To enable us to thank you for your donation, to ensure safe receipt, or to discuss the area you would like to support before making the transfer, please email us at or call on 01482 622299.